“Lantern Stories” Opening Reception — 開幕典禮 《燈籠故事

Artist Yu-Wen Wu’s Lantern Stories have begun to light up evenings in Chin Park on The Greenway! Wu’s radiant public artwork comprises thirty one lanterns that celebrate the past, present, and future of Boston’s vibrant Chinatown community. Originally commissioned in 2020, Wu updated the project in 2022 to reflect the realities of the past few years, centering Boston Chinatown’s history of immigration, its culture, and resiliency, along with an expanded exploration of Asian American communities’ impact nationally, particularly around areas of civil rights.

Please join us on Friday, September 23, 2022 for a Opening Reception at Chin Park Plaza to enjoy the public opening outdoors under the beautiful canopy of lanterns, along with music on vinyl spun by our friends at Jukebox.

藝術家吳育雯的《燈籠故事》作品現正在綠道展出! 吳的公共藝術品包括三十一盞燈籠,慶祝及照明充滿活力的波士頓唐人街社區。 委託於 2020 年,於 2022 年為《燈籠故事》加入了新的元素,反映過去兩年社區的改變。作品以波士頓唐人街的移民歷史、文化和強韌力為主,同時探索亞裔美國社區在全國上,特別是爭取公民權利的影響。

2022 年 9 月 23 日(星期一)參與我們在唐人街牌坊廣場舉辦的開幕儀式,欣賞這些燈籠和音樂隊伍 Jukebox 製作的黑膠唱片音樂。

Event Details

Monday, September 19, 2022

7:30-8:30p Public Opening at Chin Park Plaza with music on vinyl

2022 年 9 月 23 日(星期一)

晚上 7:30 – 8:30 於唐人街牌坊廣場開幕


Yu-Wen Wu, Artist

Dr. Audrey Lopez, Director and Curator of Public Art

Sheila Novak, Associate Curator of Public Art

Interpretation in Cantonese and Mandarin will be provided



Audrey Lopez 博士,公共藝術總監兼策展人 

Sheila Novak,公共藝術副策展人


About the Artist

An interdisciplinary artist, Yu-Wen Wu’s (she/her) work lies at the intersection of art, science, and politics, encompassing many social and cultural issues. Her artworks include site-specific video installations, large-scale drawings, sculpture, and public art, frequently engaging the community. Wu has worked with Boston’s Chinatown community on two previous public art projects: With/Out Water (2018) and Leavings/Belongings (2018-20). Born in Taiwan, Wu lives and works in Boston.


身為跨學界和多媒體藝術家,吳育雯的作品探索有關藝術、科學、政治、社會和文化等題材。 她經常與社區合作,作品包括影像裝置、大型繪畫、雕塑和公共藝術。  吳曾兩度與波士頓唐人街社區合作展出公共藝術《水/缺水》(2018) 和《別離/包袱》(2018-20)。生於台灣,吳現居於波士頓。

About The Greenway Public Art Program

The Greenway’s Public Art Program brings innovative and contemporary art to Boston through free, temporary exhibitions that engage people in meaningful experiences, interactions, and dialogue with art, each other, and the most pressing issues of our time. The Greenway Conservancy provides unique opportunities for emerging, mid-career, and established to exhibit bold, new work that considers the possibilities of 21st century Boston.


綠道透過免費的公共藝術展覽,為波士頓帶來當代、新穎的作品,增加社區不同的體驗和互動,及鼓勵觀眾與藝術、彼此和當下的議題對話。 綠道給予新秀、中期及職業高峰的藝術家獨特的機會展示創新和與21世紀波士頓有關的作品。