Triskele & The Monster’s Tools: A Solstice Invocation of Medusa Consciousness
Public Ritual on The Greenway on Wednesday, June 21, 2023 at 7pm
Rain Date: June 22, 2023
On the Summer Solstice, Molteni and non-binary Italian American collaborators Vin Caponigro, Laura Campagna, and Ash Capachione will host a public ritual upon the newly painted artwork.
Representing expansive, non-dual consciousness, four figures will call upon the sun, ocean, and three celestial bodies –the Moon, Venus, and Mars– to aid in a regenerative alchemical process. Walking the spiraling labyrinth, the performers will make a cyclical journey to restore connections of the mind and heart, land and sea, past and future.
Drawing upon writer Audre Lorde’s framework of the “Master’s Tools” as well as the “Monster’s Tools” offered by thinker Ece Canli, Molteni and their collaborators will alchemize the energy of the summer solstice to transform family heirlooms and forge new tools and paths for the future.
Visitors are invited to participate via printed paper talismans, a collective movement ritual, and personal family heirlooms (physical or conceptualized).
The performance will live on via a collaborative publication, a video, and guided meditation. All materials will be accessible by smartphone, so that visitors to the multilayered labyrinth may find space for processing, release and regeneration throughout the work’s presence on The Greenway.