Green & Grow Graduation
Ten individuals graduated from the Green & Grow program this year. We couldn’t be more proud of them for all their hard work and accomplishments. Thanks Green & Grow, for your dedication, determination, and effort. The parks, and the city therefore, are better because of it.
“We did some amazing things, in the parks and out, and I feel like we really had an impact on the city of Boston.” – Ursile
“The good times far outweighed the challenges, just like any family.” – Derek
“I feel a lot more prepared to have a job now, I know I’ve grown a lot.” – Zuri
“I’m better prepared to be a leader now.” – Tom
“I can definitely take these skills with me to my next job.” – Roodvens
“This was an amazing opportunity that I hope lots of kids like me will have in the future.” – Humberto
Because of competing priorities, only six individuals were able to share their final accomplishments with Conservancy staff, program funders, and our gracious hosts, Loomis and Sayles. The six individuals are pictured above, from left: Kent (Program Director), Roodvens, Tom, Derek, Ursile, Humberto, Zuri and Jess (Program Coordinator).