Spring Cleaning

11, Apr, 2013 Rose Kennedy Greenway Conservancy
Derek - Donkey of the day.

Cooperative Derek

As keepers of the Greenway we lug lots of material through the city streets of Boston.   We get a kick out of all the strange looks we receive from commuters while we work.  Above, Ianna is directing Derek who was so kind to pull our rickshaw down Atlantic Ave.  to our composting dumpster, about four blocks away.  Below, you can see we removed the temporary winter interest that was added to our garden last fall.  We felt a little like the antithesis to Santa but we’re excited about the sunflowers that will replace the conifers.

 We get a kick out of carrying odd things through the city streets of Boston

Another part of getting ready for spring is making room for new growth.  Shaquell is shown below cutting back grasses in the Chinatown Parks while Ianna cleans the sidewalks behind her.

Cutting back grasses in Chinatown

We almost always make a mess; but, we like using the blower.

We almost always make a mess; but, we like using the blower to clean it up.


Something we’re all looking forward to again this spring is the addition of our annual vegetables to our Demonstration garden in Dewey Square.  Below, Ursile is starting our Roma Tomatoes that will be a new addition to the garden this summer.  She’s checking the temperature to make sure it’s warm enough for them to germinate.  We’ll keep you posted on our sprouts!  Happy spring!


Taking a temperature reading before planting.

Taking a temperature reading before planting.