What’s In Bloom
The Greenway, like many other parks and gardens, suffered a bit of disappointment after the chilling temperatures earlier this week. While fruit growers brace themselves against the possibility of devastating crop losses, ornamental horticulturists are lamenting the loss of Magnolia blooms, Crocus, and Cherry blossoms, among other flowers that eagerly opened with the premature warm spell. The Boston Globe ran an article earlier this week discussing our unusual winter and early spring, and some of the effects that have already been noticed.
Star Magnolia (Magnolia stellata)
In the Urban Arboretum we observed the very first blooms opening on our beloved Star Magnolia (Magnolia stellata) late last week, but only two days ago the flowers were looking less than optimal.
Narcissus ‘Monal’
Our bulbs have fared well after the temperature low. Our early spring Crocus are fading, but our Daffodils are still standing, and only a few varieties have begun to bloom. We are anticipating a lovely display in the coming days and weeks, especially through the Fort Point Channel Parks. ‘Monal’ is an early-blooming variety coming up along Purchase Street this week, with yellow flower petals and a vivid orange cup.
Cherry Trees (Prunus x yedoensis)
Our Cherry trees have retained their blooms, though they are a bit dulled after the frost. Our Okame Cherry is nearing the end of its blooming cycle, but the Yoshino Cherry Trees (Prunus x yedoensis) were filled with flowers earlier this week in Chinatown. The Yoshino Cherries in the Fort Point Channel Parks are lovely to behold as well, though not as lush this year as they were last year.