Gardens in Winter; New Blooms Already
With the ground bare from melting snow you can see the earliest of flowers emerging on the Greenway. Mostly found in the Fort Point Channel Parks, these are true winter bloomers. The very first to appear are on the Witch Hazel, a small native tree. The flowers of the Hamamelis vernalis are just now emerging, while the other named hybrids will bloom later, but still in the late winter or early, early spring. You may also spot a scattering of the very first Snowdrops, these small white Galanthus bulbs are tucked under the Tanyosho Pine.
The other reliable winter blooms are the Lenten Rose, or black Hellebore, which has loads of buds tucked into its leathery, dissected, dark green foliage. There are many of these plants nicely positioned under summer blooming shrubs and perennials.
Text and photographs by Darrah Cole