Celebrating Summer: Events and Partnership Intern Annie Hayes
This summer I had the opportunity and privilege to work as an Events and Partnership Intern at The Rose Kennedy Greenway Conservancy. As my Internship is coming to a close, I am able to reflect on the amazing opportunities I have had this summer through working at The Greenway. This internship offered me a wide variety of opportunities and learning experiences from managing events and social media channels to running an entire program myself. The Greenway is a special place filled with amazing people all working together to make an amazing green space for the city of Boston. I am honored to say I was able to be a part of this organization and am sad to say goodbye to a place and the people I have come to love so much.
My position worked closely with the Programs and Outreach teams at The Greenway, where I oversaw summer Fitness Program and Carousel Birthday Parties. I am currently heading into my senior year at Bridgewater State University where I study Marketing and Dance. When I set out looking for a summer internship, I either wanted to focus on marketing or on event planning. I had mentioned this to my supervisor who helped adjust my tasks and responsibilities to include exactly what I wanted in an internship. I was not only on the Programs team but also on the Outreach team where I took the role of creating the content for program-related social media.
I was excited to play a part in the free fitness program on The Greenway. With a background in dance and teaching the idea of a free fitness program with a variety of classes instantly took my interest. As I started to learn more about the program and began to play a part in the management process I learned the Program Manager Abigale who ran the program was leaving The Greenway at the end of June. As an intern, I was given the opportunity to take on this program individually for the remainder of the summer. I was pushed out of my comfort zone to step up to manage one of our largest programs that is managed at The Greenway. From attending classes to creating invoices to communicating with all of our partners, I couldn’t have asked for a better opportunity.
Another program I worked diligently on all summer was the Moonlight Market. Unfortunately, due to mother nature this summer, it ended up being canceled. Although it was canceled, I treasured the experience of being able to create an entire event from scratch.
The Greenway’s Business Improvement District donated some money to create an event with the goal of bringing more people into the office on Fridays. My colleague Olivia and I decided to make the most out of the money and create the Moonlight Market. The event consisted of glow in the dark mini golf, a DJ, vintage and artisan vendors, and some of our food trucks. During the planning process I was the point of contact. I emailed several different mini golf vendors until finding the perfect one. I created the layout and run of show and was excited to lead this event. If only mother nature was kinder all summer.
Even with all of the programs and events, I think my favorite part of the internship were the quieter days. Through the quieter days such as load outs of large events or quiet Saturdays I was able to meet the people in the park and make connections in every part.
I had one interaction as I was sitting watching kids play in the Rings Fountain where this old couple had approached me asking to sit with me on the bench. I had such a great conversation with the both of them on that Saturday morning watching kids play in the fountain and talking about the park. It was simple but I found the combination of the younger generation enjoying the park alongside the older generation to be a beautiful experience.
Before applying for this internship, I had no idea what The Rose Kennedy Greenway was. I had no idea how much work went into maintaining a public park in the middle of Boston. I had no idea who the people were behind The Greenway. I had no idea who my fellow interns were. But now after 4 months I know all of this and more and I am having such a hard time saying goodbye. I am lucky to know and to have been a member of The Greenway. I know I will continue to frequent The Greenway even without The Greenway logo on my clothes.

Photo Credit: Lee-Daniel Tran @leedanieltranphoto
Summer workforce development opportunities on The Greenway are made possible with the generous support of Citizens.